Living Word Gospel Ministry (LWGM)

Living Word Gospel Ministry is a resource for believers and church leaders in Ethiopia, we are committed to providing free bibles and other resources to church and bible study leaders, priests, deacons, and other believers. Most Christians in these areqs do not own a Bible. Our mission is to get the Word of God into the hands Christians.

We have recently been blessed to be part of ten day long theological trainings of priests in the northern part of Ethiopia. God is doing amazing things through these trainings. The training was given to 100 priests at a time, but due to lack of resources, the numbers were later cut to only 50 participants. Many priests and deacons are very willing to participate but are turned down because of lack of resources. Only one or two of the priests owned a personal Bible. God has enabled us to supply free bibles to every participant in a few of these meetings. The trainings are still going on but the trainees are graduating without any bibles. We would like to support these and other ministries with your help.

Mailing Address:

5 Williams Circle, Madison, WI 53719
Donations to: Midvale Baptist Church (with LWGM in memo field)

For example, a generous donation of $100 dollars will be a great blessing to 20 Christians by providing each a bible. Each bible costs only $5 five US dollars (100 Ethiopian Bir). Please be part of this ministry and our partner by giving bibles to 200, 100, 50 or any number of bibles as the Spirit moves your heart. Your donations are tax-free to the extent that the law allows. You can mail a check written out to Midvale Baptist Church with "LWGM" or "Bible Project" in the memo field.

Amharic፡ ©Bible Society of Ethiopia, text from Geez: አኃው ማኅበር ሓዋርያት ፍሬ ሃይማኖት። Tigrigna: GeezExperiences and volunteers. Tigrigna SV: ©BSE, see version intro. WongelAdvocate is a product of the Tigrai Project's Living Word Gospel Ministry (ሕያው ቃል ወንጌል አገልግሎት).
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